Dialogue Computer Institute, Kaduna office in Kaduna City

Office Address

Dialogue Computer Institute, Kaduna office branch in Kaduna City is located at 81/82 Farm center near Gyadi Gyadi Round About Kano, Nigeria.

Branch Email Address :

Customer Care Number : +2347036716438, +234

About Dialogue Computer Institute, Kaduna

Dialogue Computer Institute is an idea that started as a lamentation, then a meditation, gradually an active thought, then a challenge to self and eventually a rolled out plan of action. All these happened because every passing day and as day light chases away darkness, it kept getting clearer and watching from close and afar distances, certain actors and actresses shaping the lives and livings of billions of people in their own thoughts, fashion, style, speed and idiosyncrasies . In the proc.... Know more about Dialogue Computer Institute, Kaduna

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